Standard trade terms and conditions Weldas Europe B.V.:
- All EU countries, except certain islands (for info contact us):
free of charge; - Switserland + Norway: invoice + 3% + customs charges;
- all other countries: + actual freight costs but invoice –5%;
- express shipments: costs to be paid by customer;
- small order surcharge for orders below € 250,- net invoice amount:
€ 10,-
Quantity order discount:
- For more info, please contact us.
Modifications in orders:
- Once your order has been processed in our system, it is not possible to apply any modifications in your order.
- Payment term on new or non credit account is wire transfer at the time of ordering;
- Payments within 30 days after Weldas date of invoice into the Weldas bankaccount;
- Cheques NOT accepted;
- Invoices and payments always in EURO;
- Discount: is subject to change if annual sales is less than € 3.000,- invoiced;
- Price subject to change without notice!
Return shipments:
- Freightcosts from customer to Weldas must be paid by customer;
- Returned products will be accepted only if:
– Products are in original packaging unit:
• all gloves packed by 5 pairs.
• head protection (caps, doo-rags, beanies, helmet hoods) packed by 5 pcs;
• all handshields (44-3006LB, 44-3008LB, 44-3009BF) packed by 10 pcs. (44-3006LB/PR packed by 5 prs.
– products can be sold (again by Weldas) as new products;
– products do have the actual imprint on it;
– there is the original or a copy of the Weldas packinglist or copy
invoice from the delivered goods at the time of delivery from Weldas; - Weldas will charge 10% re-stocking charges from the total amount of the returned products;
- Customer must inform Weldas before shipping the products to Weldas by e-mail, fax or letter.
- Address: Weldas Europe B.V., Blankenweg 18, 4612 RC Bergen op Zoom, Holland.
User manual:
- It is the obligation of the distributor that sells Weldas products to hand over a printed manual of the products to the enduser which they can find on the Weldas CE website: www.weldas-ce.com in the language needed.