Distributor support
Weldas distributors and training on Weldas products.
It is commonly known that every product has a need for product information and that information is something that Weldas Europe wants to share with their distributors and through their distributors with the end user who we want that they have the most benefit of our products and services.
Training on Weldas products and services doesn’t stop with the types of leathers and/or linings but also why a certain type and/or model has been chosen. It is also how products are sewn, what threads, buttons, hooks and loops, zippers, materials for cuffs, straps, closures, seams, grommets, types of sleeves, types of thumbs, etc. are used. All this makes the Weldas product to what it is and what it is known for: a quality product.
Since practically all the Weldas products are tested and certified according to European norms we also have to train our distributors on the requirements that there are under European Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) laws and rules (European norms). For our products, the most important norms are the EN 12477 for welding gloves and the EN 11611 for welding clothing simply because we are the global specialist in the protection of the welder. As a service for the distributor as well as the user: all multilingual manuals, test reports, European product certificates as well as certificates of origin can be found on www.weldas-ce.com.
Through training sessions as well as the internet service Weldas hopes to contribute to the expectation that the end user has of our products, with the help of our distributors worldwide and by training to them. Should this, for whatever reason, still not be the case, than you may always contact us through e-mail: europe@weldas.eu
This also applies, of course, for the end user of our products.