
Original "BUCKTAN WIDE BODY", welding glove, COMFOflex® lined and with premium quality cow split leather
10-2000 front
10-2000 sideview
10-2000 thumbnail
10-2000 front
10-2000 sideview
41334X 3143X


S (7 1/2) L (9) XL (9 1/2) XXL (10 1/2) L/18 (9) LH (9)
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EN 12477 (2001+A1:2005) TYPE A
TÜV BP 60153044 0001
TÜV 60399937 003 Kat II
Electrostatic tested


A-grade cow split leather
Hand COMFOflex® lined
Cuff cotton lined
Wide body model
Size L also available in Left Hand only pairs (LH) and 18” (46 cm.)
KEVLAR® 4 ply + 5 ply
95% welting